How To Improve Immune - Immune support Someone is very useful for jasmasi and spiritual health, the body is always susceptible to disease when the body under conditions that are less fit. Immune system is closely related to power. If the immune system is weak then the body will easily catch the disease.
To improve your immune system can perform the following activities, so that your body stay healthy and fit,
Laughter is untested in medical science in improving immunity, but can eliminate setres laugh, so if setres avoid immune hopefully be improved.
Reduce stress
Excessive Setres will make the body vulnerable to illness, is caused by the body will become lethargic and dispirited. So avoid excessive Setres.
Regular sex
some studies show a good sex life can be healthy. Sexual intercourse can indeed mengingkatkan health body, has been tested. Karean people with low sex will cause a sense setres and uncomfortable.
Have a pet
There are reasons why dogs are called as "man's best friend". Research shows having "the pussy" or "the doggy" can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels and increase kesehatan.Anjing and other pets also will provide friendship and have a healthy effect.
Got a good friend
Friends are important, but good social ties have a major impact on health. A study of people who have expressed a strong relationship 50 percent more powerful than people who rarely get along.
Consumption of antioxidants
Antioxidants can we get from fruits and vegetables. The content in these foodstuffs Formatting protect cells from radikalbebas, molecules that can damage cells. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in order to get a variety of anti-oxidants.
Diligent move
Exercise has been proven to enhance the immune system. Physical activity done regularly can also reduce stress, lower the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, and various types of cancer. Do exercise regularly and routinely.
Enough sleep
Good sleep is at night. The average adult needs 7-9 hours per hour of sleep tonight. With enough sleep people will be protected from various threats of disease,
Fulfill calories
Avoid fast foods, because these foods contain chemicals which may cause disease.
Be positive
A study of law school students showed when they feel optimistic, they are more robust immune system
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