Benefits of Kiwi Fruit For Health

Kiwi Fruit
Benefits of Kiwi Fruit For Health - Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) is a hallmark pick the fruit kiwi slightly oval shape and color of brown furry skin so it looks exotic. Kiwi fruit is famous for its high nutrient content, and its ability to prevent cancer. 

The advantages of this fruit lies on a soft texture, taste delicious, and the rich aroma and fresh. Chemical composition of nutritional elements and non-nutritional, it is important for health

Benefits of Kiwi Fruit For Health which are: 

Low Energy 

Fat and energy content of kiwi fruit is low enough so that the fruit is one of the excellent fruit for consumption by people who are doing low-calorie diet. 

A publication that was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition says that Kiwi has a nutrient density (nutrient density) the highest. The research was conducted by Dr. Paul LaChance, director of The Nutraceuticals Institute who is also a professor at Rutgers University, USA. 

Source of amino acids arginine and glutamate. 

Arginine is an amino acid that is a vasodilator (blood pressure lowering) and helps increase blood flow. As a vasodilator, arginine is also used to treat symptoms of impotence. The same amino acid also prevents the occurrence of plaque on artery walls, particularly in patients with angioplasty (plastic surgery of blood vessels). 

Complete Vitamins 

Some research indicates that the kiwi fruit contains 17 times more vitamin C than apples, 2a times more than oranges, and also more than a lemon. And contain more vitamin E than avocados. Kiwi fruit also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, niacin, vitamin A, and pantothenic acid in significant numbers. 

Vitamin C helps maintain the condition of the body against flu and colds (boost the immune system), reducing stress levels and helps the healing process. This vitamin is also an important role in maintaining the health of skin cells so as to keep looking clean, radiant and healthy. 

High Mineral 

Kiwi is a source of minerals that are necessary to maintain stamina. Kiwi contains electrolytes (minerals) that are critical to the turn of the body's electrolytes lost during perspiration due to hard work, exercise, or hot weather. 

Potassium is important for maintaining muscle function and motion of the nervous system reflexes. Potassium also plays a role in maintaining water balance in the body. That's why athletes and heavy workers are encouraged to consume enough potassium. 

Of the 27 kinds of fruits commonly consumed in the United States, the fruit of the highest levels kiwilah magnesiumnya. The low consumption of magnesium can cause heart disease, myocardial infarction, and hypertension.

Source : By. Prof. DR. Made Astawan (


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